life @ sbux amcorp

blog for all baristas at sbux amcorp. a place to express ourselves.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

haha... superman vs batman

Five reasons why Superman is cooler than Batman:
  • It takes a real Krypton MAN to wear RED underwear – outside your pants.
  • Superman fights alone. Batman needs his hairy legs sidekick Robin.
  • Superman can fly. Batman needs AirAsia to do that.
  • X-ray vision. He’ll probably go crazy every time he passes the girl’s locker room.
  • Kristin Kreuk. Period.

Five reasons why Batman is cooler than Superman:

  • It takes a REAL MAN to dress up like a bat.
  • Alfred takes care of every little nitty household detail. Clark Kent has to wash his own red and white suit.
  • Girls love the strong, silent men.
  • With that batsuit, you don’t need a costume for all those Halloween parties you keep getting invited to.
  • The Batmobile. End of debate.

gambar sisi abg roberto

hahahahahhahaha..... lepas kene siram... kita minum dulu!!!

lagi lagi....

emmmm soklan tuk herna.......

betul ke kau letak telur kat dlm suar hefni????

hahaha.... hefni yeyek!

sian.... tu la... the price u pay for leaving amcorp.

ada apa dgn midvelly?

Sunday, February 19, 2006


That's not right. - Sum Ting Wong.

Are you harboring a fugitive? - Hu Yu Hai Ding?

See me as soon as possible. - Kum Hia Nao.

Stupid Man. - Dum Gai.

Small Horse. - Tai Ni Po Ni.

Did you go to the beach? - Wai Yu So Tan?

I bumped into a coffee table. - Ai Bang Mai Ni.

I think you need a face lift. - Chin Tu Fat.

It's very dark in here. - Wai So Dim?

I thought you were on a diet. - Mun Ching?

This is a tow away zone. - No Pah King.

You are not very bright. - Yu So Dum.

I got this for free. - Ai No Pei.

Please stay a while longer. - Wai Go Nao?

Stay out of sight. - Lei Lo.

He's cleaning his automobile. - Wa Shing Ka.

Your body odor is offensive. - Yu Stin Ki Pu.

posted by:reez

MEAN POEMS(adult content for 18 n above only)

Some of these poems contain coarse language...

Poem #1. I like your style
I like your class
but most of all I like your ass

Poem #2 Im a cool girl, in a cool town
it takes a real mother fucker to put me down

Poem #3 Kissing is a habit Fucking is a game
Guys get all the pleasure Girls get all the pain
The guy says I love you You believe its true
But when your tummy starts to swell, He says 'to hell with you'
10 minutes of pleasure 9 months in pain
3 days in hospital A baby without a name
The baby is a bastard The mother is a whore
This never wouldn't have happened If the rubber wouldn't have torn

Poem #4 Guys are like roses,
Watch out for the pricks.

Poem #5 Smoke a smoke
Not a butt
Fuck a virgin Not a slut.

Poem #6 Sex is bad
Sex is a sin
Sins are forgiven
So stick it in.

Poem #7 Holy mother, full of grace
Bless my boyfriend's gorgeous face
Bless his hair that tends to curl
Keep him safe from all the girls
Bless his arms that are so strong
Keep his hands where they belong
Bless his dick, the one I sucked
Bless the bed, in which we f***ed
And if my Mom happened to walk in
Bless the shit I'd be in.

Poem #8 Sex is when a guys communication
Enters a girls information To increase the population
For a younger generation
Do you get the information...
Or do you need a demonstration

Poem #9 Men are like public toilets
They are either engaged or full of shit!

Poem #10 If guys had they periods
They would compare the size of their tampons!

Poem #11 Mental anxiety,
Mental breakdowns,
Menstrual cramps,
Did you ever notice how all our problems begin with men!

Poem #12 Roses are red, Violets are corny,
When I think of you Ohh baby I get horny,
Eat me,
Beat me,
Bite me,
Blow me,
Suck me,
F**k me,
Very slowly,
If you kiss me,
Dont be sassy,
Use your tongue and make it nasty!

Poem #13 Roses are red, violets are blue,
I'm in love but not with you,
When we broke up you thought I cried,
But all it was,
Was another guy,
You told your friends that I was a trick,
I told mine that you had a weak d**k,
I said I loved you,And you thought it was true,
But guess what baby,You got played too!

Poem #14 Guys are like parking spots...
The good ones are always taken...
And the ones that are available,
Are either handicapped or too far away!

posted by: reez

spelling mistake

Don't skip this just because it looks weird. Believe it or not you can read it!!!!!!!!!!!

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid!
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorant.

posted by:reez

Friday, February 17, 2006


mana gambar hefni kene siram ngan telur tuuuuuuu??????

organg yg tkp gambar...... mana gambar tuuuuuuuuuu???????

mana... mana.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006


pesal senyap aja? bila lagi mau update post ni? aku kat rumah ni dah la x buat apa2... update la pasal store! nak tgk i yang cantik tak? :D nak tak nak, aku tayang jugak :P
wei, ada CIO tak? syayril bila balik?

Monday, February 06, 2006

majulah sukan untuk negara....

abi in da house!!!!!!

senaman ronggeng sebelum acara renang ramai2 ngan wan.

si wan pulak dah tak sabo2 nak tejun kolam.

futsal lagi.....

cari bende tersembunyi: mana lin????

mesra siottttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahaha..... inilah sebenarnya apa yg wan n abi wat time lapang2......,

ladies & gentlemen...

here, our new partner: yanti. please be warm and nice to her (which in another word: buli dia kau kau... jajajajaaa)

posted by the lovely leo.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Marcus our C.I.O

posted by: reez

Saturday, February 04, 2006

the 1 n only our miss universe

post by:reez

the lovely leo

jeng jeng jeng!!!

this is our new comer. what to know more of her? stay tuned... ;-)

posted by the lovely leo.

Friday, February 03, 2006

nik!!!!!!!! sejarah tgn lekatmu x kan ku lupa...

this one i gotta claim.... posted by LEEN!!!


nik ni, sebenarnya rajin... tu... nampak? dia buat punya cream mix?! dia buat sendiri tau... nampak senyuman kepuasannya selepas siap buat cream mix... hebat kan si nik tuh? ;-)

posted by the lovely leo.

top 10 funny store signs

01. Outside a muffler shop: "No appointment necessary, we hear you coming."
02. Outside a hotel: "Help! We need inn-experienced people."
03. On a desk in a reception room: "We shoot every 3rd salesman , and the 2nd one just left."
04. In a veterinarians waiting room: "Be back in 5 minutes, Sit ! Stay!"
05. At the electric company: "We would be de-lighted if you send in your bill. However, if you don't you will be."
06. On the door of a computer store: "Out for a quick byte."
07. In a restaurant window: "Don't stand there and be hungry, come on in and get fed up."
08. Inside a bowling alley: "Please be quiet, we need to hear a pin drop."
09. In the front yard of a funeral home: "Drive carefully, we'll wait."
10. In a counselors office: "Growing old is mandatory, growing wise is optional.

posted by the lovely leo.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Like father like son

posted by: reez

bos gua yg comel dh berpunya

posted by:reez


Orang Amerika kentut cakap, "EXCUSE ME". Orang Inggeris kentut cakap, "PARDON ME". Orang Singapore kentut cakap, "I'M SORRY". Kalo Orang Malaysia kentut, pasti cakap, "NOT ME!! NOT ME!!"

posted by:reez


Kalu Pasal Sembahyang, Boleh Pulang Awal.....! Seorang boss entah macam mana mood dia memang baik sungguh pada hari nie..Sesiapa yang nak minta balik lima jam lebih awal hari nie dia kasi tapi alasannya mestilah munasabah. Haaaa!!alasannya mestilah pasal sembahyang ajer! Tau-tau macam tu ader 4 orang pekerja bawahan datang mintak balik awal..

Pekerja 1 : A'kum Boss, bulih saya pulang? Saya balik nak sembahyang kat rumah boss, leh tak?
Boss : Tak boleh!!!Kat sini kan ader surau, sembahyang jemaah lagi, lagi banyak pahalanya..!

Pekerja 2 : Saya bulih balik awai kut Boss?
Bosss : Hang apa pasai:
Pekerja 2 : Saya nak balik tengok anak saya sembahyang zohor ker tak? Ntah-ntah dia ponteng?
Boss : Tak boleh balik, hang telefon saja bini hang suruh dia tengok!
Pekerja 3: A'kum Boss!
Boss: Ha? pasal pulak ni?Nak balik awal gak ker?
Pekerja 3 : Errrrr!!Yer boss, boss baik!!he..heee!
Boss: Alasan apa lak ngko nie?
Pekerja 3 : Saya nak balik sembahyang orang mati..Ada orang kampung saya ninggal pagi tadi, nak sembahyang jenazah...!Boleh kut boss yer pulang awal?
Boss : Tak bolehhh!!!Itu fardzu kifayah jer!Orang kampung lain yang ramai tu boleh sembahyangkan. Doa kat sini pun boleh!!Dah!Pergi buat kerja..
Pekerja 4: A'kum Boss! Saya nak balik awal boleh tak ari nie?
Boss : Naper?
Pekerja 4 : Isteri saya telefon, dia kater dia dah boleh sembahyang!
Boss: Yer ker? Ha! Kalu gitu awak baliklah...Kesian awak dah seminggu nunggu!!!
Pekerja 4 : Ima Acih Boss!!!Heee

posted by:reez

drama queen tak? :D

posted by the lovely leo.

our beloved manager...

posted by leo.

not a joke

a customer walked in to the store...
leo : welcome to starbucks, mam. can i get you anything?
customer: yes, i would like to have latte for my boss.
leo : what size would you like your latte to be, mam?
customer: i am not sure what size he always have.
leo : ermm...
customer : well, do you know what size he always order?
leo : who's your boss?

reez curi tulang!

anas yang comel

C.I.O mane ni?

posted by:reez

S.S.C(starbucks skodeng club)

posted by:reez

leen, nik & dila

nik forced me to post this pic :P

son of mask

posted by:sesape je

Masing-masing perasan 'macho'

reasons why i love sbux amcorp so much

  1. baristas - each and everyone of them are friendly and team spirited. they all live like a big family. besides, all of them are C.I.O. (what else could you ask for!)
  2. store - i have to be honest that, this store is not high volume. hence, we have time to socialize among ourselves.

anyone disagree with me?...

posted by the lovely leo.


habsah, the photographer, is here! strike a pose! VOGUE!

the mastermind...

the mastermind behind the creation of sbuxamcorp... muahahaa... self promotion! i am young, smart, intelligence, have great sense of humor, sweet, tolerance, charming, understanding, caring, and energetic! and the most important is, i am single! ;-) jajajajajaaa!!!!

posted by the lovely leo.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

green tea frap

hmmm... bila tengok nik minum green tea frap... teringin plak nak minum.. macam sedap aja... but my new favourite is vanilla frap!

SI BOTAK!!!!!!!!

Starbucks next top model

gomok pendek N kurus tinggi(sesuai)

cherry tree for C.N.Y

Lapar nye anak orang ni!!!!!!!!!!!!!


store outing: futsal!

superman of sbux amcorp...

a few words...

instead of posting another pix, i decided to write something down. i was on opening shift with hefni. it was rather a slow start, with not much customers, except for the japanese guys - tripple tall latter and grande cow... both 'to go'. i am sure you guys know who they are... anyway, i just finished my shift. and off to my bed soon. planning to watch movie with the gangs tonight - Buli Balik...

reez & leen

king and queen of emo :D

coba teka ni bontot siapa? :D

muka reez baru bangun tidur... :D

chef nik...

this is how nik spends her free time at sbux...

we all know what joshua did last summer....

poor joshua...
eheh... this is becominig a tradition, huh? u gotta get into the ice machine cleaning before getting into the clan?

welcome to starbucks amcorp...